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What is OccuPain™?
OccuPain™ is a contemporary solution to redefine how occupational pain is understood, measured and treated.
An alternative to long-queued medical appointment.
Why OccuPain™?
Personal data is secured
Interactive body diagram for an accurate pain evaluation
Use it anytime, anywhere
Personalised resources
and support based on occupational backgrounds
No more long-queued medical appointments with your GP
According to the NHS, 43% of people in the UK experience chronic pain. More adults aged 75 or over (62%) experienced pain than those aged 18 to 25 (14.3%).
A major review suggests that around 28 million adults in the UK are affected by some type of chronic pain (pain that lasts for more than three months).
Are you one of them?
Meet Our Founder
Listen to the full story from our founder, Frederick
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